Educational Reference Sites part 2 /////////////////////////////////// Flags of the World A very complete collection of images of National Flags of world's countries and also includes flags pertaining to many other topics such as images of flags used for racing, signaling and semifore flags. If you need to find out about a flag or what a particular flag looks like - then here they are! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Carter Center I wasn't sure which category or chapter to place this one in as it contains a plethora of topics and links. This site was founded by former U.S. Pres. Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalyn Carter and it is a shining star of both breadth of topics and freedom of content. This site is truly a bonanza of information, educational resources and more. There are reports from field reps in many countries of the world including perennial human-rights violators such as Ghana, Burma and Zambia. There are links to efforts and ongoing reports from the Human Rights Program, the Conflict Resolution Program, The American Project, Global 2000 Learning and All Kids Count. There are other numerous links to projects concerned with poverty, hunger, disease and political, social and religious opression and persecution. This is an unbelievably well-stocked sight of hard-hitting and relevant info. You would be hard pressed to find a better single resource than this site. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- VMI Gopher site (Virginia Military Institute) gopher to: This is a well stocked library and has complete texts of many owrks in many differing areas. Poetry, prose, e-zines and reference works are all here. Sections on multimedia info, weather, cooking and recipes, and a searchable reference section make it a great place to begin your reading or research. Burrow on over to here with your gopher client and you won't be let down. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scott's Civil War Letters Scott was a private in the US Civil War (36th Infantry, Company A, Iowa Volunteers) and he served for 3 years during 1862 - 1865. In this time he wrote many letters to his sweetheart and neighbor back home in Iowa. Her name was Hannah Cone and she was the recipient of this wonderful collection of letters that has been preserved and now is available to the public via the WWW. You can choose a year from 1862 - 1865 and then you will see a short summary of each letter and if you click on the letter you wish to read in full - the entire text of that letter will appear and can then be read. This site is a wonderfully good resource for you can see and read a piece of history and you really almost start to feel like "you are there" being transported back into time. This site is also note- worthy in that it has many links to other Civil War related sites and Civil War resources and materials on the Internet. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carnegie Mellon English Gopher Server (The English Server) gopher to: or gopher to: or gopher:// One of the best gopher sites imaginable - there is absolutely too much to list here. Tons of subdirectories that contain a wealth of information. Everything from works of literature of software. A great gopher site that you can get lost in for hours - not through a poorly designed site format - but by the sheer size of it and the informative and interesting things it has in here. Grab a BIG shovel - you'll be burrowing for hours ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------